GCOS 64 and GCOS7 contributors

Contributors are listed in alphabetical order.  The period of contribution may have been interrupted for other assignments. People marked by a + are deceased; there is provision for a link to their biography. Readers who found that their name has been involuntarily forgotten or who that there are inaccuracies in their contribution  should apply for changes at FEB




period of contribution

major contributions

D Bruno DALLEMAGNE 1975-1992 program mgr
Ginette DALMASSO 1968-1994 mass storage controller
Anne-Marie DARNET 1968-199x PL/1
Ramendra DAS 197?-197? PL/1?
Patrick DAUFFY product planning
Pierre DAVOUS 1967-1970 mgr Bull engineering
Guy DE CHASTELLIER 1971-198x data mgt utilities, program mgt
Philippe DE FLANDRE design automation
Raymond DE MARNHAC data mgt
Claude DE MARSAC 1968-198? design automation, program mgt, quality
Pierre DE MEYER nucleus
Gérard DE PONCINS 1967-198? unit record controller
Philippe DE RIVET 1970-1984 architecture, performances
Robert DESJARDINS 1970-1990 ISL, mizop debugger
Lucien DELLA NEGRA + magnetic tape controller
François DU JEU 1970-1978 computer center mgr
Jean DU ROSCOAT 1969-197? + technical documentation
Thierry DOLIDON T&D, Auriga firmware
Louis DOREAU planning
Michel DOROTTE 197?-1990 architecture (XSA)
Louis DOUCET 1974-1988 IOF; APL; wordpro, architecture
Jean-Marie DOUCHY 1975-1983 Taurus project, central planning
  Jean DUBOS     architetcure
Claude DUCAROUGE 1969-1990 tech admin, RPQ
Raymond DUSSELIER unit records, Auriga firmware
Jean-Jacques DUCROS 1968-1993 sysgen, quality assurance
Roger DUSSINE 1968-198? technology
E Bernard ÉLIE 1971-1980 Job Mgt, nucleus, special projects
F Jacques FAURE Aquila project
Robert FAYOT 1971-198? G100 emulator, IDS
Henri FEISSEL 1970-1976 + NEC relationship
Jean Pierre FESSARD 19779-1984 R&D administration
Georges FELDMAN 1971- field engineering, software support
Pierre FENART 1982 hardware support
Jacques FOUROT 1970-1973 mgr Product Line
Jean-Louis FRESSINEAU P7G-IOC, Auriga, Auriga2 caches


job mgt, marketing
Jean FURELAUD Ares, Auriga
G Christian GABET 1969-198? catalog
Jean-Jacques GAEHVILLER marketing
François GALLET micropackaging technology
Paul GALLI 1978-1991 Job mgt, product planning
Jean-Louis GALZIN 1972-1991 P7 Firmware, Job Mgt, Demo Center, KPMG
Robert GAUDICHEAU Siris8 emulator, Micro FEP
  Patricia GAUDRY     G100 emulator
Bernard GAUTHIER 1972-1985 Job mgt, Hyperchannel software, MainWay front-end
Germain GAUTHIER Demo Center
Liliane GODARD-(ROUSSEAU) 1972-1995 Data mgt, special projects
Jean-Marc GOUBE 1972-1993 Data mgt, integration
Bernard GOURITEN 1970-197? software factory (Multics)
Michel GUICHARD software factory
Jean-Jacques GUILLEMAUD 197?-1992 performances evaluation
Michel GUILLEMET 1972-current P7 design, Auriga CPU design, mgr Hardware
H Albert HARARI 1971-1975 software factory (GE-645)
Jean-Pierre HARDY 1969-199? program management (1969-1982)
  Jean-Claude HAUTREUX     EDF project
Pierre HELLENIS 1971-1977 macrogenerator
Jean HILAIRE Fortran
Guy HIOT 1972-1995 Virtual memory, IOF, Standard Mass Storage
Pierre HOFFMANN P7G, Siris8 emulator
Tadeusz HOLKA 1972-197? computer center (GE-635)
Gérard HOLLARD 1972-1993 Cobol, télécommunications
François HOLVOET-VERMAULT maintainability planning
René HOMEYER 1972-1979 G100 emiulator, basic telecom (BTNS)
Maurice HUBERT 1978-1992 peripheral architecture
Daniel HUMBLOT Taurus project manager
I Michel ISERT Ares, Auriga
Michel JABSTRABSKY 1972-1975 G100 emulator, MLP, TDS
J Jean-Philippe JAHARD 1970-1987 + design automation
Alain JAYLES 1975-1978 manager
Bernard JEANDIDIER 1970-1990 sw personnel administration, job mgt
Christian JOLY 1968-1991 Hardware development, gal mgr Bull engineering
Marie-France JOLY G100 emultaor, Marketing
Thierry KOCH sales (Marseille)
Helmut KOHLMAYER 1975-1996 technical support in Austria, QA
Claude KUCH marketing
Axel KVILEKVAL 1969-1971 languages

